

Marketing: How to Frame Marketing Messages for Optimum Engagement

When marketing your services, make sure your message taps through your audience’s mental filters.

Lonely At The Top? Why CEO's Lack Emotional Intelligence

Studies show the higher managers rise in an organization, the less capable they are of connecting emotionally with the people around them. One reason…

6 Signs You’re a Bad Manager

What makes for a good manager? For instance, should you delegate tasks or responsibility? This checklist will show you if your management skills are…

Top 10 Shark Tank Tips

The ruthlessness that underlies a certain kind of entrepreneurial success holds, for instance, that “there is no work/life balance.” Commitment,…

Sales Hiring Mistakes To Avoid

Churning and burning through sales staff might’ve worked in the past, but today the long-term hire is a better sales strategy. Avoid these three…

Immigration Order May Shake Up Hiring

Here’s what’s behind President Obama’s executive order on immigration and how it might affect your business

Marketing: Where Remodelers Can Learn Free Top-Notch Marketing Techniques

Most remodeling companies don’t have a professional copywriter or art director on staff, but it’s not the end of the world for them.   Remodelers…

Climate: No Year Was Hotter Than 2014

It wouldn’t hurt to prepare for more air-conditioning or window projects: the earth’s average climate has increased continually for 135 years.  …

Demographics: A Visual “State of the Union” in 33 Maps and Charts

For remodelers – or any business owner or sales professional – knowing your community and its demographic trends is key.   Vox compiles 33 maps from…

Legal: So You’ve Made a Construction Contract Dispute. What’s Next?

Construction Lawyer Christopher Hill continues his series “The Anatomy of a Construction Dispute.”   Last week he discussed the groundwork and…
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