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The Pinnacle Product Awards Now Open for Entries!

Winners are featured in our November/December issue, and have major bragging rights


Schnellenbergerize yourself

  College football fans forget the Miami Hurricanes program was nearly dropped. No, not because of the cheating and lying and the 1995 SI cover.  …

Buy it now book recommendation: Ctrl Alt Delete by Mitch Joel

  I’ve been enjoying the Chicago Blackhawks run to the Stanley Cup Finals. I went to a party last week where a friend, Bobby Krueger, owner of MAVREK…

To get attention, B_R_E_A_K the pattern

  Two teachers start their respective 8 am classes.  Both classes have talkative students.      Teacher Uno raises his voice, demanding the unruly…

Why you should embrace the Hispanic conflict

  Shawn Coyne is a writing partner to Steven Pressfield. Mr. Pressfield wrote The War of Art, the most important book ever written for people that do…

Leadership by the numbers: What’s yours?

  Leadership is a numbers game.    The equation revolves around how many people you can positively impact on a daily basis. That is, how many people…

The feed vs. the hunt

  My son is six years-old.  It’s a fun age.    Witnessing your progeny develop original thoughts on shared topics is a trip. My son is starting to…

Rosetta Stone, relevance, and retention

  Living in a small sliver of the language pie Rosetta Stone enlarged, we owe a debt of gratitude to the public company. Rosetta has been shelling…

“We’ve done this a lot. You...as a group…are stupid.”

    Last week I went to the Chicago filming of “America’s Got Talent”, the NBC show that accepts all comers who don’t make it on American Idol, X…

The “knowledge worker” rant

I despise the term Knowledge Worker. Why? Let’s start with the definition of Knowledge Worker and you can judge for yourself. Knowledge workers are…

Historic home remodel wins NARI award

Normandy Remodeling recognized for work on historic Victorian home in LaGrange, Ill.
