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The Pinnacle Product Awards Now Open for Entries!

Winners are featured in our November/December issue, and have major bragging rights


Be like Mat: Go big

  Comas :: 2 Broken bones :: 21 Surgeries :: 23 Concussions :: 100+ Stitches :: 300+   You don’t become the greatest vertical ramp BMX rider in…

Text Mex: Meet ‘em where they are

Would you ever use Twitter to announce your family dinner is being served? Ridiculous question, right?   Wait. Hold that answer….   The question was…

Confessions of a bilingual construction guy

His candor surprised me. I’ve never had anyone actually admit it. But there it was. In digital ink on the email in my Inbox.   The question that…

The Inverse Golden Rule + 3 CYA tools when working with Hispanics

You know The Golden Rule, right?   He who has the gold makes the rules.     On the jobsite today, there is an inverse to The Golden Rule: He who has…

“I see dead people” + 3 other common sensibilities

M. Night Shyamalan, the director of The 6th Sense, was opposed to including what has become one of the most memorable movie lines of all-time “I see…

Micro-fluency: Sí se puede!

Working at my second office yesterday (Starbucks), two latino twenty-somethings and their language choices caught my attention.   They were jumping…

Excuse me, sir…your PowerPoint sucks

Stop me if you’ve heard this before.  Guy gets up to give a presentation.  Self-deprecating intro. Well-dressed.  Strong voice. He’s confident.  He’s…

Translation consternation

“I’ve got a 40-page company policy and about 40 Hispanic employees. Any advice when it comes to translation?” This question came at me during the Q…

Catalog ideas; don’t shoot them

Yesterday I attended a Construction and Safety Expo outside Chicago. General contractors, Sub-contractors and Safety Suppliers were dishing on their…

What’s your moon shot?

You probably missed it.  Nearly everyone did.   At the end of last year Kansas City quietly became the first metro area to be wired with Google Fiber…
