

<h1>Construction Quality</h1><p class="vocab-desc">A compilation of HousingZone's articles, surveys, ideas, trends, and tips on construction quality for residential builders, remodelers, and architects serving the residential construction industry.</p>

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Building Envelope Solutions To Eliminate Thermal Bridging

Contractors must recognize how and where thermal bridging occurs so they can employ methods to eliminate it


Salvage, Recycle, Save Money, Save the World

Remodeler Steve Pallrand imparts invaluable insights on salvaging materials and saving his clients thousands, while saving the planet  

Why Remodeling?

When times get tough, it helps to remember what’s good about the industry

How to Custom Bend Window Drip Cap Flashing

These simple folds keep bulk water from flowing off the sides of metal window flashing and soaking the joint where the siding meets the casing 

Toss and Catch

The larger the management team, the more latency there is in the network. Success depends  on the people, the systems they use, and how often they use them.

A New Showroom

A leading remodeler discusses the planning that went into the company’s new showroom

Punch Out the Punch-list

7 rules for creating zero punch-list remodeling jobs

A Vision for Modern Life

The New American Remodel features an organic, contemporary aesthetic that’s warm and inviting

After Further Review

It was too obvious to miss.

What’s In Your Truck?

Carrying the right equipment can save you a lot of time and money. Here’s a list of what’s in my truck.

Six Tips for Basement Renovation

Dos and don’ts for creating a structurally sound, finished basement that homeowners will love
