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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Tablet Revolution

It seems hard to believe now, but when the iPad was introduced last year, there was a lot of question about whether or not Apple had finally made a…

Report: Jeld-Wen in danger of defaulting on debt

Window and door manufacturer reportedly owes more than $1 billion

Tablet Revolution: Remodeling Sales and Design

Tablets may just be the ideal tool for remodelers when it comes to selling and designing jobs

Remodelers embracing tablet technology

The iPad and other mobile technology are fundamentally changing the way remodelers do business

PR September 2011

Tablet Revolution | Energy Audits | Outdoor Living

Rebid redux — Lean Tuesday with Scott Sedam

As a dedicated practitioner of Lean process and methods, one of the more aggravating things I sometimes hear is a builder bragging about how they are…

Obama administration housing "stimulus" underwhelming

The New York Times today has more information on what the Obama administration is considering to stimulate the housing industry (and hence the…

Lean means cheap, ugly houses – NOT!

Todd Hallett and I are working with a fantastic smaller builder in California this week. They really “get it” and are very open to input from all of…

Fewer delinquent mortgages than a year ago, bankers say

The delinquency rate on residential mortgages dropped from last year but is up from the first quarter, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association

Mortgage rates at lowest in 50 years

Mortgage rates reached record lows last week, following the Federal Reserve’s recent policy statement and continued concerns over the European debt market. Rates on the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage were at their lowest in 50 years, averaging 4.15 percent.
