

Technology: Don’t Touch Your Phone — Fund a Day of Clean Water

We just found this site, which appears to be still working after 10 months. It provides a simple way to make a charitable donation by doing nothing…

Technology: What’s Wrong with Your Pa$$w0rd?

We don't know about you, but we've had it with having to keep track of hundreds of different passwords. This TED talk has some good advice from a…

Culture: Let’s Hear Good News First

How about a dose of positivity instead of the usual cynicism that accompanies most news coverage? Here are 26 ways the world is getting much, much…

Building Science: Walk or Run in the Rain?

What keeps you the most dry: Walking or running when it’s raining? Here’s a two-minute physics lesson for those who don’t like to dance in the rain…

Marketing: Email is Still Relevant

Email newsletters, blasts, and messages tops the list of small business marketing tools. Make the most of your email campaigns by using this list of…

Leadership: Trade ‘Grab’ for ‘Have’

“Let’s grab lunch, coffee, dinner…” How often do you find yourself saying this routine phrase? Perhaps pretty often since it’s a major part of our…

Money: Update State Unemployment Rate on QuickBooks

If you run payroll from QuickBooks, updating you state unemployment rate is a crucial step to do for 2015. This adjustment differs from business to…

Management: The Remodeler’s Year End Checklist

The end of the year can be stressful or manageable depending on how comprehensive your business checklist is. 

Technology: It’s Not Just a Fad

Never before have so few been so wrong about so much. If you've ever been dead wrong about anything, you'll appreciate these off-the-charts wrong…

Construction: (Try) to Do as the Romans Do

Modern concrete doesn't last as long as the stuff the Roman's used. The key ingredient seems to be volcanic ash, which was used instead of Portland…
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