

Millennial Employees Want It All

Millennials are motivated by several factors in the work place that differ from Gen Y employees. To attract and keep millennials make sure to appeal…

The Entire Marketing Machine Simplified

Duct Tape Marketing's John Jantsch boils down marketing into seven phases that he calls "The Marketing Hourglass." 

Big Data in Formula One

It's not about the driver, it's about the car. Actually, it's about the hundreds of sensors in the car and what engineers do with the data.   Check…

Word-of-Mouth Sells More

Word-of-mouth is the top influencer for purchase decisions across multiple generations and countries.  A study revealed a consumer aversion to…

Can You Afford to Hire?

An increase in overhead costs can be a risky business practice without doing the proper homework beforehand. The first step is calculating your gross…

DJI’s Revamped Drone

It's a toy. It's a marketing tool. Wait, it's a toy and a marketing tool. If you need a reason to splurge, just think how the video flyover will wow…

No More Excuses

Routine to the point of cutting corners may be holding back your business. 

Railway Delays Lead to Lumber Shortages

It’s taking three times longer to get construction materials to the Midwest compared to a year ago. A strengthening economy may to be blame for the…

Are Millennials Ready for Leadership?

Millennials are less interested in hierarchical leadership and prefer a more collaborative approach.  Fifty percent of millennials are already in…

Attainable Home Energy Performance

Somewhere between Passivhaus and Energy Star requirements lies a “Pretty Good House." Striking a balance between construction cost and energy…
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