

Falling Solar Energy Costs

Sky-high costs for solar energy systems may be a thing of the past, and analysts expect the affordable trend to continue. Prices for PV systems that…

Remodelers: Learn from Boat Captains

Countertop expert Joseph Corlett is back with a lesson he learned from chartering a boat. Choosing to catch your own fish instead of buying it holds…

7 Ways to Get More from Mini-Splits

Successful home heating with a mini-split is possible even in cold climates.  BuildingGreen walks through seven tips on installing and maintaining…

Stucco Success Using Delta Dry

Blogger Matt Risinger shows how stucco can be as durable as other types of siding. He explains how Delta Dry Stucco & Stone provides drainage…

A Day in the Life of an HVAC Contractor, Part II

HVAC contractor Carl Grace’s day is just getting started and he already has more than one dilemma on his hands. 

Prevent Cyberhacks From Unhappy Employees

Former employees pose the biggest threat to cybersecurity. The rise in cyberhacking is more frequently an inside job by disgruntled, underpaid…

11 Bad Habits of the World's Worst Boss

One ex-employee's take on how to be the worst boss ever. We hope you don't recognize yourself, but if you do, it's never too late to change…

When Stucco Fails

Video blogger Matt Risinger walks through a failed stucco installation and explains what went wrong and why.   Read more on from Matt Risinger…

A Day in the Life of an HVAC Contractor

Ever wonder why your HVAC contractor is running behind schedule? Here's a glimpse into an all-too-typical day, starting at 5 a.m., long before…

Why Does a Faucet Hole Cost So Much?

If $150 seems like a lot for an hour's worth of work, read on to find out how countertop expert Joseph Corlett breaks down the cost.

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