

A Lesson Learned from the Builder of the Year

We can all relate to great leaders, but we may fail to note what makes them so.  Harry Truman is quoted as saying, “Not all readers are leaders, but…

What stories are being told about your business?

“The stories, apocryphal or not, that circulate in an organization reveal its devotion (or lack of it) to quality, and serve to inspire its people to…

Lean Builder Blog: Do operations still matter on the West Coast?

I have spoken at PCBC, the big West Coast building conference most of the past 15 years and I always enjoy it. The event has been very well-run,…

Lean Design Blog: Okay, okay, I guess second floor laundries are just kind of stupid

The title of this blog is tongue in cheek (or maybe foot in mouth) as a follow up to a blog I wrote a while back titled, "Second Floor Laundries are…

Decision making

"What we hear too often is, don't confuse me with the facts, I know what I want to do." Bill Denney PhD

Data, lots of data, but what are you doing with it?

Technology has made gathering data so much easier. However, the problem is we can be overwhelmed by it. Surveys, stats, city, state and national data…

3 key elements to creating stunning curb appeal

A young doctor was just setting up his first office when his secretary told him there was a man to see him. The doctor wanted to make a good first…

Your house delivery = fast food or fine dining?

This week's installment of Charlie Scott on Customer Satisfaction in Home Building questions how new houses are delivered to customers.  Admittedly…

Just focus on your customer

The focus is the customer, it’s about their needs and wants. Sometimes when we try to improve our customer focus and we try to achieve a ‘wow factor…

Lean Building Blog: How to get ahead in home building by really trying

My son Tyler (second of 4 children), age 29, is taking a new position with a homebuilder after having two good building industry jobs in the past,…
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